Social Media Marketing Dandenong

Raise Brand Awareness with the Best SMM Company in Dandenong

Following current market trends, our professionals develop powerful marketing communication strategies and implement them across the most popular social media channels for maximum exposure. Solution 22 has a team of highly trained social media specialists who work tirelessly to increase your brand’s visibility across all major social media sites. Our social media marketing company uses the social setting to our advantage while formulating our marketing and PR plans.

Our Social Media Marketing Strategy

The primary objective is to maximize exposure for the brand. We are on the cusp of seeing social media go from a primarily sociable to a mostly marketing medium. Our team ensures that the social media platform is utilized not just for advertising but also as a means of gathering real-time client feedback and accurately mapping the market.

Generating Hashtags

Our social media optimization company makes custom hashtags that people will be proud to use while talking about the services you offer, following the lead of the current market.

Audio/Visual Posts, Including Infographics

As our SMM company continues distributing infographics with quotations and photos capable of establishing our credibility, you can anticipate extraordinary outcomes.

Original Visitor Flow

The best social media marketing services company uses proven methods, such as daily publishing across all platforms and sharing relevant links, to increase the number of qualified visitors to your company’s social media profiles.

Forming A Reputation In Social Media

We don’t just want to promote your business directly through social media; our best social media management company also want to promote your brand through positive, uplifting content.

We’re an unconventional social media marketing firm

Our SMM marketing company uses the most effective methods and personnel. The outcomes are undeniable, and we take great pride in all that we have accomplished throughout the years.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

We have a few different options to choose from when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation and Social Media Marketing. However Here are some of the features offered as part of this service.

1. Social Media Marketing (SMM)

All or websites are fully responsive and mobile friendly. They work across browsers on multiple device types, ensuring that this enhances the mobile user experience. As a starting point this is a key point of focus that is an expected in today’s technological landscape.

2. Create your Google Presence

One of the first tasks with making a site visible on Google is letting Google know you’re there. So we help with creating and managing your Google Business Page, Google Analytics account and Google Search Console to get you started .

3. Brand Listing

The next key step is your Brand listing. Here we work to get your brand listed as the 1st in search for any searches on your brand

4. Onsite & Offsite SEO

Through the next stages we work on optimising your website based on speed, markup, quality of web content, backlinks keywords and more. This is an ongoing process and constant changes are made on a regular basis to gradually but surely improve your business listing and build trust in your domain.

5. Management

On an ongoing basis, we help with managing your social presence – through regular posts and links back to your website. This engages your customers and keeps your business and any offers and news easily accessible to them.